Exhibition Schedule

Booth Installation Time: From 8:30am to 5:00pm, October 16-20, 2025
Opening Hours: From 9:00am to 6:00pm, October 16-19; 9:00am to 4:00 pm, October 20 (5 days) 
Dismantling Time: From 4:00pm on October 20, 2025
Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center, Fujian Province, P. R. China


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HAPPY NEW LUNER RAT YEAR & Book Your Space NOW at Xiamen Tea Fair 2020

Author:管理员 Time:2020/1/19 15:53:09

Greetings from Xiamen, China.  新年快乐!We wish you a happy lunar new year.

2020 is year of the rat, which ranking the 1st totem of 12 zodiac cycle, and symbolizes the feature of good luck in making money, wisdom and quick-witted.

In 2020, Xiamen Tea Fair will be held in both May and October, as spring and autumn edition. Spring edition (21st- 25th May) will be more pluralistic and covers fresh themes from different generations. Including tea beverages (milk tea, bubble tea, bottle and can tea, etc.), new-style tea space designing, and recipe making of tea drinks. Autumn edition (15th- 19th Oct) will keep focusing on traditional tea industry. Numerous relative events will be held during the exhibiting period.

2020, the beginning of a new decade for Xiamen Tea Fair, in which we sincerely invite you visit our new progress.


Xiamen Tea Fair
Add: Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center, Xiamen, China | P.C:. 361008
Tel: 0086-592-5959539 | Fax: 0086-592-5959611 | E-mail: Click Here | MORE INFO